4 Saying YES to drugs

Treatment for MS is limited to a range of drugs known as “Disease Modifying Drugs”.   None of these is able to cure MS, halt progression of the disease or repair existing damage.  The aim is to reduce incidence and length of future relapse …”future proofing” as my MS nurse liked to call it.

When I was initially diagnosed (2017) my neurologist was of the opinion that my MS was becoming inactive and that I may not have any further relapses so I decided to decline DMDs at that time. 

This year I am in a very different position so have agreed to try drug treatment.  This has been a really difficult decision for me – I don’t like the idea of taking long term medication and I am very concerned about side effects and long term impact on the immune system and the body.  In addition, most of the drugs I am being offered are described as just “moderately effective”.   There are more powerful drugs available but these come with worse side effects and much higher long term risk, so I’m hoping to avoid them.

So, in a couple of weeks time, I will be starting Rebif. 

I will have to self inject three times a week – I found this rather a daunting thought until I chatted with my friend Beth about it.  Two of Beth’s children have Type 1 Diabetes and have been self injecting and regularly checking their bloods for some time.  So, Molly and George, you may not have realised it but you have inspired me from afar!  Thank you! 

More information on Disease Modifying Drugs can be found here …
