21 Fundraising update

Today my nephew, Zeb, niece Anna and his friend Skye set up a stall in their village to raise funds for our campaign.  They baked a cake and sold a few other bits and pieces too.  Thank you Zeb, Anna and Skye xx

Unfortunately they live in a very small village and didn’t have quite as many customers as they hoped.  If you have a couple of spare quid you could dontate, giving Zeb, Anna and Skye a mention, this would make them very happy! (Sorry, I won’t be able to send you one of their yummy cakes!)

In other news, a friend of Connor has decided to take on an amazing mountain bike challenge.  Here is Alex’s plan …

“October 27th 2018 I will be completing this ride with Connor.  Almost 100km (around 58 miles) distance and with around 2.8km of ascent over gravel, loose shale, rocks, mud, through streams and maybe a little bit of tarmac, this will not be an easy task for a relative amateur like myself.”

To see Alex’s route, click here

To support Alex in this massive challenge, you can sponsor him at my GoFundMe page (and wish him good luck in your comment).

Plans are coming together for an evening event in November and we are hoping to get bank and PayPal accounts arranged in the next few days.

Thank you to everyone who has been in touch by email, phone and text and to family and friends for all the hours of planning and discussion.  We’ve come a long way in a little over a week!

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