22 Rebif: week one

Today was my fourth day of self-injecting Rebif (3 times per week).  I’m finding the actual injecting fairly easy.  My idiot proof injecting gadget does most of the work and it’s mostly not too painful (it hurt a lot on Sunday but much better today so I must be getting the hang of it!).

Unfortunately I am struggling quite a bit with side effects.  Following advice, I have been injecting in the evening so that I can sleep through the peak time for side effects …only I don’t sleep through them!  So I now have 3 nights a week feeling cold, shivery and achey all over, each followed by a day of feeling light headed, exhausted and nauseous.  By the following evening I feel fine again. 

I am currently on a very low dose of 8.8mcg with a gradual increase to the full dose of 44mcg. 

I’ve asked for advice on an MS support group and it seems these side effects are not unusual, although most people don’t experience them until they reach a higher dose.  Apparently it can take several months to acclimatise and for side effects to settle … already I know I can’t live like this for several months!

This evening I have followed advice and have injected earlier in the evening, taken paracetamol an hour before and am drinking lots of water …fingers crossed I have a better night tonight. 
