23 Fundraising update

Two weeks ago, we launched our fund raising page with the aim of raising £40,000 to fund HSCT treatment abroad.  


Please could I ask you to think about whether you might know anyone who might be willing to help?  Please share our fundraising page far and wide.  I know of someone in my position who had their treatment paid for in full by a wealthy friend of a friend of a friend who saw the link on social media! 

I am finding fundraising hard going – it really isn’t easy to ask people for money and at times, I have wanted to scrap the idea all together.  I feel incredibly vulnerable and exposed having to be so public about my life.  My children, close family and friends are being wonderfully supportive and are encouraging me to keep going.  To put it bluntly, my only other option is to keep quiet and slowly decline into disability. 

To boost our fundraising efforts, we have a number of events coming up:

1. Manchester Half Marathon, Sunday 14th October 2018

Connor, Niamh, Gleaves, Nick and Heather are training hard for this event and the blisters on Niamh’s feet are almost healed!

2. 58 Mile Peak District Mountain Bike Challenge, Saturday 27th October 2018

Alex, Connor and Gleaves are taking on this gruelling challenge

3. Tandem Sky Dive, date to follow

Callum is organising the opportunity for volunteers to take part in a tandem sky dive and hopefully raise some sponsorship money. We have a growing list of people 

Who would like to do this (possibly including me!) …if you would like to be added to the list, please let me know.  Cost will be around £200.

4. Evening Event, January 2019

This will be an evening of music food, games, raffle, auction and anything else we can think of!  We have a fantastic venue in Prestbury and some great entertainment lined up, including The Red Shells and Beth and the Beats.

If you have anything that you could donate as a raffle prize or auction item, we would be very grateful.

There are further events and sponsored challenges in the pipeline, so watch out for those.  We are also open to further ideas and suggestions. 

If you’d like to sponsor any of the participants taking part in sponsored events, please donate to our GoFundMe page and mention them in your comment.  You can also sponsor individuals by contacting them in person.

If you know of any businesses that may be willing to offer items or services as raffle prizes or auction items, please get in touch with one of us. 

Thank you for all the amazing support …I really do appreciate it xx