50 Wilmslow Festive 10K (and Blue Badge trial run!)

Today was the day of the Wilmslow Festive 10K.  Unfortunately I wasn’t well enough to go and cheer the team on and to be official photographer, but they managed to get one or two pictures of their own, after their run.  Other photos are from the Run North West official Instagram page. 

Run North West

There was the usual chaos and crowds before the start with Niamh and Cal unable to find Jake and Jess.  Jake’s brother and his fiend were also running today, but I don’t think they all managed to get together until after they had finished. 

It’s been very cold here recently and today was no exception but it was also bright and dry, so perhaps good conditions for running (says someone with no knowledge at all of what constitutes good conditions for running!).

Niamh continues to struggle with her hip injury, which has impacted on her training and flared up again this morning.  She is a little disappointed in her time of 1 hour and 5 seconds and I think she’ll be giving running a miss for a while now (she is however, talking about some sort of swimming challenge and a coast to coast walk, so there really is no stopping her!).  

I haven’t heard the times for the others yet but have heard that winner of the women’s race, Eilish McColgan achieved a new course record of 32:40 (perhaps I was right about the running conditions after all?!) .

The guys have collected their medals and headed home for a well earned rest, some warmth and a Sunday dinner! 

Well done all of you …absolute superstars ❤️❤️❤️❤️

In other news, my Blue Badge arrived in the post on Friday and I manage to give it a test run on Saturday. 

I met up with my lovely friends Brenda and Karen and we all squashed into my little car and headed off to the Christmas Makers Market at The Lowry.  It took a lot longer than planned to get there (the Mancunian Way is definitely to be avoided at this time of year!) and we were a little confused by the disabled parking arrangements, but managed to suss it out.  We received a top tip from the parking attendant – keep a photo on your phone of your Blue Badge – and may even look as if we know what we are doing next time! 

We had a lovely couple of hours looking round the market (although our total purchases for the day amounted to a loaf of artisan bread and a bobble hat – I don’t think we are quite committed to Christmas yet!).  I have been feeling a bit rubbish lately but found an afternoon with good friends really lifted my spirits …thank you, you two ❤️

Another thing I learnt was that if you try to eat a crepe with melted white chocolate, whilst standing up, holding a bag and a walking stick, when you’re feeling a bit wobbly, you will end up with melted white chocolate all over you! 

We returned to the car park and realised we had been so focussed on sorting out the parking ticket (which was lost for about 10 minutes) and the Blue Badge, that none of us remembered where we had parked the car!  So there we were, 3 supposedly intelligent women (all teachers!) with no sense of direction, spacial awareness or memory between us! 

Julie is still doing well on her alcohol free November challenge …not long to go now Julie! 🥂

I’ll update you on other plans soon xx
