97 Still waiting

Well another week has gone by and still no Sheffield appointment!  I have anxiously awaited the post each day, but only bills and junk mail seem to have landed on my doormat this week. 

I have tried emailing Professor Sharrack’s secretary but no reply there either, despite me signing a consent form to say I was happy with email communication. Perhaps emailing them the consent form doesn’t count?!

On Monday, I phoned the professor’s secretary and she was able to confirm that my scan report has arrived, but I’ve not yet been allocated an appointment.  She was unable tell me what the report says, but promised to give him a nudge about my appointment.  

… so the wait continues.

A while ago I mentioned that I was making a concerted effort to lose some weight.  I’ve always struggled with my weight, particularly since hitting a certain age and even more so now my mobility has decreased.  I’m definitely a person who is inclined to comfort eat and the emotional challenges of this disease have certainly left me in need of comfort.  

Anyway, a couple of months ago I decided the time had come to take drastic action!  I decided I needed some serious help this time (I have done LOTS of diets) and after some research, chose the Cambridge One2One Diet.  This involves consuming meal replacement smoothies, shakes and bars and a weekly weigh in and chat with a consultant, who has helped to keep me on track. Thank you so much Julia.  I am still half a stone from my target weight and a “normal” BMI but I’m feeling so pleased with my progress that I thought I’d share it with you.  These two photos are taken exactly a year (and 35lbs) apart.

As well as wanting to look and feel better and improve my general health, there is another reason why reaching a healthy weight is important for me at the moment.  HSCT involves the use of high dose chemotherapy, which partly destroys the immune system.  Chemotherapy is hard on the body, in particular on the liver and kidneys and the dosage for each patient is calibrated to their body weight.  So by reducing my weight, I am reducing the dosage of chemotherapy I will need.

If you’d like to know more about the Cambridge One2One Diet, please visit their website by following this link …

Cambridge One2One Diet

If you live in Stockport and would like to know more, please give me a shout and I’ll put you in touch with Julia.