122 Two weeks!

It’s just over two weeks until I fly to Russia and I’m feeling every emotion going!  I’m scared, excited and slightly panicked, but mostly positive and optimistic.  There seems to be a lot to do at this late stage …stuff to buy for the journey, stuff for being in hospital for a month and more stuff for when I get home.  I’m in almost daily communication with the clinic and finalising visas, transfers, contract and payment …it’s all go!  And it’s all stressful!

I went back to work on Monday after the half term break, but my head was all over the place and I struggled to keep focussed.  I care about the work that I do (supporting children in care to achieve in education) and it concerns me a lot when I’m not able to do it to the best of my ability.  I saw my GP on Wednesday and she advised me to stay off work for the time being.  It feels strange to not be in work but I think it’s the right thing to do.  

It was strange talking to my GP about my final plans for treatment.  Obviously I have been talking to her about HSCT for a long time and she has been very supportive and encouraging, making the referral to Sheffield and discussing my options at every stage.  Officially, she can’t fully support my decision to go to Russia and I sensed I have put her in quite a difficult position.  She has seen my decline over the last couple of years and understands my decision to take action.  

My GP’s main worry is my safety on the journey home.  At this time I will be recovering from a pretty gruelling treatment and will have a suppressed immune system.  I know my family are very worried about this too.  I have done everything I can think of to minimise the risk …

For the first time ever, I will be flying business class on the journey home, with a stop off in Frankfurt (in the business lounge!) on the way.  I’ll be very careful about what I eat and drink.  I plan to wear a mask, wipe down with disinfectant wipes everything I will have contact with, to wash and disinfect my hands often and to keep them away from my face.  My GP suggested keeping as far away from other people as I can.  Many others have done this journey before me and I’m confident I will be just fine. 

In the current era of the Corona Virus, there is much discussion everywhere, about hygiene and infection prevention.  I saw something on TV the other day about hygiene when travelling.  Apparently the dirtiest item you will touch when flying (in terms of bacteria and viruses) is this …

I suppose everyone puts their personal items in there, including shoes, bags, coats they have just taken off, contents of their pockets etc …and I don’t suppose they are ever cleaned!  I’ll be thinking carefully about how I put my things in the tray and will use hand sanitising gel straight after. 

Airport Security Trays Carry More Cold Germs Than Toilets, Study Finds

Yesterday I had my nails done for the final time before I go.  I decided to go for it with the colour …

My lovely friend, Katy from Seed Beauty always does a good job with my nails and although she may not know it, has been a brilliant support over the last few months.  She will be devising a facial / bald head massage once I am well enough when I’m home!

Arrangements for our tea party on 7th March are well in hand and we are all looking forward to it.  If you are coming and haven’t yet paid, please get in touch with one of us.  I’m looking forward to seeing lots of friends on the day.  I want to send a big thank you to everyone who has helped in a host of different ways, to make this happen …I am forever grateful.  


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