8 Walking sticks, trecking poles and hand rails

It took me perhaps a little longer than it ought to, to get myself a walking stick. 

My balance has gradually deteriorated over the last few months …at first I didn’t really notice, then I was in denial, then focussed my efforts on hiding it …this was all pretty exhausting.  Some days, just staying upright or walking in a straight line takes so much effort and concentration that I have little energy for anything else! 

So I bought myself a walking stick. 

It took a bit of getting used to at first, but using it has increased my confidence and taken a little bit of stress out of daily life.  Of course, until I have my walking stick lesson, who knows if I’m actually doing it right?!

Although I accept that my mountaineering days are over, I very occasionally like a slightly more challenging walk and for this, I have recently bought some trecking poles.  Yesterday I had the opportunity to road test them for the first time.  When I say “road” test, I actually mean “wobbly path, uneven ground, random slopes, tree roots and torrential rain” test …the trecking poles were great!  Usually I’d need help walking on this kind of terrain but yesterday I managed the whole walk on my own (well, almost!). Thank you Connor, Sophie and Odin 💚

So, what have I learnt from all this? …it is better to make adaptations that will help me get on with my life, rather than resisting these options and doing less.  

I saw my MS Nurse recently and she offered to refer me to a service who will come and assess my needs at home, with a view to providing handrails where needed.  A few months ago I would have totally rejected this idea but now realise this is a good thing.  I had a bit of a fall down my stairs a few days ago and still have the bruises …improved handrails definitely needed!