83 Weight gain

The time has come for me to do something drastic about my weight.  

A combination of fatigue, decreased mobility, thyroid problems and a bit of comfort eating, have caused me to gain a lot of weight over recent months.  I have always struggled with my weight and have yo-yo dieted for most of my adult life.  In the past, I could cut out snacks and be a bit careful for a few weeks and usually get things back under control, but this doesn’t seem to work these days.  So, from Tuesday I will be on a supported weight loss plan, with a hope of being slimmer and healthier in a few months time. 

On Wednesday, I had my first meeting with my 1:1 diet consultant, which included the dreaded weigh in.  I have some scales at home but have been avoiding them for a while now, but my clothes have been feeling tighter and I knew I was in for some bad news.  I am now the heaviest I have ever been and with a BMI of 30.8, am now classified as obese.  I’m feeling pretty upset about this, but am planning to use this feeling to motivate me to stick to my new diet plan. 

As you know, my HSCT treatment has been delayed until August.  I am planning to use the extra time to lose weight and increase my fitness.  Hopefully I’ll be in better shape by August, than I am now, which in turn, should have a positive impact on my recovery.

Alexandra Park, Edgeley 21.04.19

Isn’t it wonderful to see the sun shining?  I am beginning to think my spirit animal must be a bear or some other animal that hibernates!  I really am a different person when Spring arrives!  I feel so much better mentally and energy levels are up too.  Hopefully, this will all help with my plan to improve my fitness.  

A few months ago, my GP referred me to a supported scheme at my local gym, but unfortunately my fatigue and pain levels at the time meant I had to defer this. With the arrival of winter, swimming and aquafit became too challenging too. I am aiming to get all this back on track too. 

I am back at work on Tuesday after the Easter holidays and am feeling positive and ready to take on the challenges of the new term  (I am really lucky and work term time only). I think the warmer weather, lighter evenings and time spent with family and friends over the last couple of weeks have improved my mood and energy levels.  I am really grateful to all the wonderful people in my life …thank you everyone ❤️


37 Some ramblings about weight gain


I saw my GP today to talk about various things – MS, treatment options, hypothyroidism (I have that as well) etc. She decided to check my weight and blood pressure while I was there. 

Obviously, I’m very aware that I have gained weight over the last few years.  Lots of things have contributed to this …my age is one (honestly once you hit 50, anything more than the odd nibble of celery causes weight gain). 

Anyway, my weigh in revealed that I am now the heaviest I have ever been (including when 9 months pregnant!).

I feel that MS is a major cause of my weight gain.  A few years ago I was several stone lighter, at the gym two or three times a week and generally pretty energetic.  My favourite class was Body Pump – a high energy full body work out using weights.

Ok, I didn’t quite look like this, but you get the picture!

I felt great, strong, confident …I’d love to be able to do it again.  

As my MS has affected me more and more, I have become less and less active.  I wish now, that I’d pushed myself to do more – perhaps not body pump – but not to have given in to it so much.  The symptoms of MS make exercising so difficult and of course, once you lose fitness, you become weaker and weaker, energy levels drop and it’s so hard to get motivated again. 

I have been reading a lot about the benefits of exercise to those with MS, in terms of relieving symptoms and to maintain strength in order to cope with those symptoms.  Somehow I need to find a way to get back into exercise.  

Recently, Niamh, Sophie and I have been going to an Aquafit class at my local pool – great fun and more of a work out than you might think!  For me, being in water feels amazing.  I have always loved swimming and been confident in the water and have now found it is the only place where I don’t have the constant feeling that I’m about to fall over! 

I am working on some exercises at home to improve my balance and have been referred to a scheme at my local gym where I will be allocated a trainer for 3 months.  They will help me to plan an exercise programme, help me to access appropriate classes and hopefully gently get me back into moving a bit more.  

My weight gain is not just due to lack of activity – know I’ve been comfort eating for a while now – I need to find a way to get on top of that too.  

As you all know, I am hoping to have HSCT next year.  The treatment is challenging to the body, so I want to get myself in the best shape I can, as I feel this will improve my chances of coping with treatment and having a smooth recovery. 

On a positive note, my blood pressure is “perfect”!