63 Work life balance

Today has been a very strange sort of day for me.  I work in education so have school holidays (I know I am very lucky). During term time, I work hard and over recent months have started to struggle.  I found my MS fatigue and other symptoms  impacted on my daily life and it was getting to the point where I was cancelling social events and spending all my non-working time trying to recover from the working day.  

Towards the end of last term, my life consisted of work/eat/sleep and not much else and it started to get me down.  In December, I made the decision to reduce my working hours to 4 days per week, instead of 5.  The reduction in income is a bit of a worry, but I am hoping to achieve a better work/life balance and to have time and energy to see friends and to manage everything else.  

So today was my first non-working term time day!  I didn’t do anything exciting – a bit of resting, a bit of cleaning and sorted some paperwork – but it feels good to be entering the weekend with a little more energy and with a few jobs out of the way. 

Tomorrow, George will be bravely taking on the challenge of the Runthrough Victoria Park Half Marathon, despite suffering a chest infection, which has impacted on his training.  Good luck George!  Please take it easy and just get yourself over the finish line in one piece!

JWe are not quite ready to give full information just yet, but I hope lots of you will come along to our evening fundraising event on Saturday 23rd February.  The venue is the beautiful Bonis Hall in Prestbury. 

We are in the process of organising music, food and drink and hope it will be a fun night for everyone.  If you can help in any way, please do get in touch. 

We are also planning on holding a raffle and are now in the process of collecting prizes.  Do you have anything you could donate? Unwanted Christmas gifts? Access to services?  Do you know anyone associated with sport or TV who might donate signed items or event tickets?  

Many thanks to everyone who has already offered items – I will be in touch soon. 

Thank you again for all your help. 
