123 Treatment delay

I had a blog post prepared to publish this morning, telling you all about the arrival of my visa, rearranging flights, sending payment and getting everything ready. 

Unfortunately there has been a change of plan …
This morning I received an email from the hospital to inform me that the Russian Health Minister has put new restrictions in place for all travellers arriving in Russia, due to the corona virus.  Anyone arriving in the country must immediately begin two weeks of self isolation and the hospital would be unable to admit me until this was completed, followed by a medical examination.  I’m not sure I could manage two weeks locked in a hotel room on my own.  

This arrangement would also mean me being away from home for six weeks in total and mean that I would be travelling home at the end of April.  In these uncertain times, this just feels too far away for me.  Who knows how much worse the corona virus problem will be by then? 

Obviously I have been watching developments closely over the last few weeks.  I have increased hand washing and tried to reduce how often I touch my face (how difficult is this??!).

I haven’t succumbed to panic buying (well, only of creme eggs!) but have worried about the lack of certain items in the shops, especially hand sanitiser and soap.  I have mostly remained unconcerned until the last few days.  

Today I have noticed an increase in very concerning facts in the reporting on the corona virus.  Many countries are now putting restriction on travel, public gatherings are being cancelled and even school closures in some places.  The UK government has decided we are moving from the “Containment” phase to the “Delay” phase of our response.  I have come to accept that now is not a good time to have a suppressed immune system. 

This is the current UK advice … BBC link 

This evening I have heard that hospitals in the UK have suspended HSCT treatment for MS and for cancer (other than in life or death situations) for the time being.  The MS Society has issued  this advice …

“HSCT is an intense chemotherapy treatment for MS. It aims to stop the damage MS causes by wiping out and then regrowing your immune system, using your stem cells. This treatment greatly hampers your immune system for a period of time and you and your neurologist or healthcare professional should consider delaying this treatment.”

MS Society link

Today has been a really tough day.  I don’t think I realised just how much all the mental preparations have taken out of me and also of my family.  We are crushed …but not giving up. 

I also realise that there are lots of other people affected by this and who are having to make difficult decisions, many of them in a much worse situation than me.

As far as future treatment goes, I’m in a good position, in that the hospital has already accepted me for treatment, the funds are in place and I’m ready to go as soon as the situation improves.  In the meantime, I’m going to focus on staying well, washing my hands, not touching my face and some “social distancing”.  

I have a lot to sort out.  I’ve no idea if I can get any money back from the flights I have booked and I need to see my own doctor to talk about how I manage for now.  I also need to work on my stressed head!