Just keep swimming …

This has been a tough week for me. I have been feeling physically and mentally low and seem to have forgotten how to sleep!  I’m not sure what the root cause of all this is.  Life just feels very unsettled at the moment. 

Thankfully my lovely friend was there to catch me when I was at my lowest point (thank you Parveen ❤️), I had a better night’s sleep last night and have felt much more positive today.  I hope to rest up over the weekend and be fighting fit for Monday! 💪🏻


One of the fabulous Stephenson’s team, Matt Stevens has volunteered to take part in the Great North Swim to raise money for our funds.  The event takes place at Lake Windermere over 3 days in June and Matt will be taking part in the 1 mile swim. 

This is an amazing challenge and I am so thankful to Matt for taking part.  If you would like to support Matt, please donate using the link below and mention him in your comment.


I watched Eastenders this evening (sad, I know) and was sad to see the character, Dinah, apparently take her own life, feeling unable to cope with impact of her advanced Multiple Sclerosis.  The character was brought in specifically to take her own life and create a story line for her daughter. We never got to know anything else about Dinah.

When MS is depicted on TV, they only seem to show extremes – those who are impacted very severely or those who bounce back after short illness, with their MS never mentioned again!  In Coronation Street, Johnny had a brief period of illness, was diagnosed within a few weeks, recovered and carried on as if it had never happened!  

I wish MS was depicted realistically on TV …it’s so hard to help people understand what it is like, without adding fiction to the mix! 
