134 Falling

Paloma Faith -Falling Down

Falling, tripping, bumping into things, misjudging space and distance – these are all everyday occurrences for many of us with MS.  Moving around, using stairs and walking through doorways require concentration and focus and it’s not always easy to maintain that level of focus, when most of your previous life, you didn’t need to!  This is one of the reasons why those with MS are often fatigued – every day movement is exhausting.

The Fall – Hit the North

It can also make life a little risky.  My arms and legs (and currently my forehead) are often full of mystery bruises from various incidents involving furniture and doorways.  I’ve had a few bigger falls and many near misses – loss of balance or footing, or maybe legs refusing to work, but just managing to grab something (or someone) to stop myself falling.  I find it quite terrifying! 

Fallout Boy – Dance, Dance

A couple of weeks ago I had my worst fall yet and ended up having X rays and various examinations before being diagnosed with bruised ribs (and bruised everything else!).  This fall happened in my own home, where I should feel safe and has really shaken me up.  If I was having any doubts about moving to a stair free home at this point, those doubts are well and truly gone.

The Primitives – Crash

My house went up for sale a week later and sold for above asking price within a few days.  I am very thankful that this was as stress free as it possibly could have been and my buyer seems lovely – she has already promised to love this house as much as I do ❤️

About 10 days after my latest fall, I suddenly developed severe vertigo.  My GP and MS Nurse do not believe this is linked to my fall, but is more likely a small relapse.  I have a had fleeting episodes of vertigo before but nothing like this – everything moving, nausea and vomiting and everything but sitting still and quiet made it feel worse.  I am now awaiting another MRI and an appointment with the Community Rehab Team and have anti sickness meds to help me in the mean time. Thankfully, the vertigo is improving each day and I’m hoping it’ll soon subside altogether.

You can read more about vertigo in MS here … MS Trust – Vertigo

Thank you to friends and family for all your continued love and support on this crazy journey 💜