68 Tickets, ticket, tickets!

The tickets for our fundraising event are finally ready! 

I’d like to thank Dave Gilmore for designing and printing them and Niamh for cutting and perforating them. 

Tickets are £10 each, children under 10 are free (please let us know if you are planning to bring children so we have an idea of numbers).

The evening will start at 6.30pm and will go on until midnight.  We have a few live music acts lined up – dancing and singing along most welcome!  There will be a bar, selling Swan Brewery beer and various other refreshments. 

We have a few items that we plan to auction – this will begin online in a couple of weeks and end during the evening (more info to follow).

Raffle tickets are also now for sale.

We have had lots of amazing raffle prizes donated, with new items coming in all the time.  Raffle tickets are 50p each.

A small selection of raffle prizes

If you have anything you could donate or know of any shops or services who may be willing to provide a voucher, we’d love to receive them …the more prizes we have, the more raffle tickets we’ll sell and the closer we’ll get to our fundraising target. 

All business donors will be mentioned in this blog, on our social media pages and on the night.

If you would like to see more of Dave’s fabulous work (including the Manchester bee paper straw design) please see his website …


You can find out more about Swan Brewery here …


If you would like to make a donation to our fundraising account, please do so here …


Please spread the word!

Thank you again for all your support 😘

49 She’s a waterfall …

I’ve been feeling a bit sorry for myself over the last few days.  Lots of reasons – worrying about the future, wondering how long I can manage working full time, resenting how much time I spend planning how to preserve spoons (see previous post on “spoon theory”), noticing worsening symptoms and also dealing with feeling cold most of the time.

According to the MS Trust, between 60 and 80% of those with MS struggle with heat sensitivity …I don’t think I fall into this group.  This is what they say about cold sensitivity…

“Cold sensitivity is less common with MS than heat sensitivity, and it tends to affect different symptoms. The symptoms most likely to be affected are nerve pain, mobility and spasms. Depression and fatigue may also be triggered by the cold, particularly if it coincides with poor weather and less sunlight.” 

I think that sums it up nicely!  I always struggle mentally with winter and this year is no exception.  In addition to this, my thyroid levels are all wrong at the moment, so feeling cold is something I’m stuck with for now.   As well as MS, I have Hashimoto’s Disease (autoimmune thyroid disease) and am currently working with my GP to get my meds at the right level – unfortunately we’re not there yet! 

Yesterday, whilst scrolling through Facebook, this photo of me from exactly a year ago popped up …

A year ago I could go to a gig and dance all night, I didn’t need a walking stick or a Blue Badge and although I was experiencing episodes of fatigue, I didn’t have to give too much thought to how many spoons I had left to get through the day.   I am haunted by the feeling that I’m slowly fading away. 

Today I met with my lovely friend, Beth for a coffee and a chinwag (therapy really!) and when I got in the car to travel there, one of my favourite songs came on the radio …

This song has a lot of meaning for me – it tells me I can get through things if I just keep going.   So, I can get through this bit of a blip too.   Thank you Stone Roses and XS Manchester. 

Later, I had a visit from my son and his dog and we went for a walk in my local park …lovely. 

So, today has reminded me that the best things in life are all around us …we just need to make sure we value and appreciate them.  Here’s my list from today:

  • Music 🎼
  • Friends 👭
  • Coffee ☕️
  • Cake 🍰
  • Family 👩‍👧‍👦
  • Pets 🐶😺
  • Fresh air 🥾
  • Sunshine ☀️
  • Trees 🌳
  • Water 💦

