107 Fundraising plans

Thank you to everyone who has got in touch since we relaunched our fundraising efforts – your offers of help and support and your good wishes mean a lot 🧡

  • Stockport Vintage Village

We will have a stall at the next Stockport Vintage Village, which takes place from 10am till 4pm on Sunday 10th November. If you have anything you could donate, please get in touch.

Please also pop along on the day.  The Vintage Village is a great day out and there are some lovely shops, bars and restaurants nearby too.

  • I am looking at arranging some sort of ladies afternoon tea event towards the end of the year, maybe with music, games and a quiz thrown in!  I’ll let you know more about this as my plan comes together. 
  • Seed Beauty Team Walk Challenge

The lovely team at Seed Beauty have volunteered to take on a sponsored walk challenge.  Katy, Kate, Yssy, Jules and Vicky are just at the beginning of putting  together a plan for a sponsored walk.  Watch this space for date, distance and location.

You can find out more about Seed via their Facebook page … Seed – Beauty Therapy.

  • My sister, Glenda, is planning to get her Nordic Poles out and complete a Nordic walking challenge.
  • Our cycling team have expanded and are exploring a route for their cycling challenge.  This is likely to take place in March when the weather is a little brighter and the day slightly longer, but Alex, Connor, Carl, Sophie, Niamh and Callum will be in training throughout the winter.
  • We have a team in Leeds who are looking for a Tough Mudder event.
  • Lots of people have asked if we will be doing another evening fundraiser – I know everyone really enjoyed the last one and those who couldn’t make it would love to come to the next one   I’ve even had a 5 year old ask when my birthday is, as he loved my last party so much! We are working on a plan for another one …no details yet, but watch this space!
  • We would like to get some t-shirts printed, for people to wear when completing challenges.  Do you know anyone who may be able to do this for us at no or low cost? 
  • If you have any fundraising ideas or anything else you could do to help, please get in touch with one of us 


76 Slow recovery

Apologies for the radio silence …it’s been a tough old week for me!  I really did overdo it last weekend …on my feet for far too long, too much lifting and carrying and staying up late (for me anyway!).  I have felt overwhelmed with fatigue and ataxia** ever since and have been concentrating on work and resting. 

** Ataxia is the medical term for lack of voluntary coordination of muscle movements. In MS this can be seen as clumsiness, unsteady gait, impaired eye and limb movements, and speech problems.  In some cases, the lack of coordination is seen as tremor. 

Read more about Ataxia here …MS Trust – Ataxia

Other than that, it has been a really good week.  I’m still feeling thrilled at the amount of money raised at our evening event and still receiving donations from people who couldn’t make it …thank you again everyone. 

I was planning on taking a step back from fundraising over the next few weeks as I have a lot to do to get ready for my trip to Russia, but I’ve been contacted by a few people with amazing offers of help …

🧝🏽‍♀️ My fabulous friend, Beth, has recently learnt the art of Tarot reading, so we are planning a small evening of readings, drinks and nibbles sometime soon.  Thank you Beth xx

☕️ A local coffee shop / bar has offered to host an event …more info to follow once we have it.

🍲 A Chinese restaurant has been in touch to offer a fundraising evening.  We are at the very beginning of planning this one, but hopefully another fun evening coming soon! 

In addition, we have a few fundraisers already in the pipeline …

Glenda is taking part in a sponsored 10K Nordic Walk in April.

Niamh and a team of workmates from Stephenson’s are taking part in the Manchester Gung Ho inflatable 5K at Heaton Park on 6th April.

Alex, Connor, Gleaves and Carl are still working on their mammoth 100K (58 miles) Peak District Mountain Bike challenge. 

 Cal’s head and chin shave is coming soon!

I am planning to pay for my treatment before we fall off the Brexit cliff on 29th March, so will be borrowing the outstanding amount (and will continue to fundraisers when I’m well enough).

In other news, I have started the process of arranging Visas for myself and Karen this week …it’s really happening folks!  🇷🇺

I didn’t want to finish this post without acknowledging a big event in the MS world that took place this week.  As you maybe aware, Hollywood star, Selma Blair was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis last Summer.  This week, she rocked on the red carpet for the Vanity Fair Oscars afterparty, with a custom made cane, looking beautiful, fierce, vulnerable and so much more. 

She has also given a TV interview, despite being in the middle of an MS relapse affecting her speech.

Selma speaks openly and honestly about her MS on her Instagram page and has also had an interview published in Vanity Fair.

Thank you Selma for not hiding away and for your honesty in sharing the ups and downs of living with MS.  There is much happiness to share too and I’m glad that people are getting to see that. 


35 Fundraising news

Well, a couple of days ago, this happened …

100 donations in one month!!  Thank you so much each and every one of you xxx

The sponsorship money from the Manchester Half Marathon is still coming in so I don’t have a total for that just yet. 

Connor, Alex and Gleaves have been out training on their mountain bikes today.

Having said that she’d never run again, Niamh, along with Callum, Jess and Jake, has signed up for the Wilmslow Festive 10K run on 25th November.  She is still resting up to allow her hip injury to heal, then all 4 will be training in earnest!  

We also have some other fundraisers coming together …

My Prosecco loving friend, Julie, is giving up booze for a whole month! 

My niece Fiona has signed up for a 10K and my sister Glenda, for a sponsored Nordic walk event.

My sister in law, Gill is hosting a coffee morning next weekend, including yummy cakes (she is an excellent baker) and a raffle.  

I’d like to hold some sort of cake related event too …I seem to have so many cake making friends!  Maybe some sort of Bake Off or something along those lines?  Or a good old fashioned cake sale? Or something Christmas related?  If anyone has any ideas, please give me a shout.

We are still working on a possible sky dive and a long haired person is considering a drastic hair cut, in exchange for donations …watch this space for more information on that soon!

We are planning an evening event to take place in January.  We have a fabulous venue and plans coming together for music, food, drink, a raffle and a silent auction.  

So, this is my next request for help …

  • Do you have anything you could donate as a raffle prize or silent auction item?
  • Do you own a business and would be able to donate services, a beauty treatment, a meal or anything else we could raffle or auction?
  • Do you have any contacts at venues who could donate event tickets?
  • Do you have a connection to anyone famous who could donate items?
  • Do you have connections with anyone who could help with any of the above? 

If you can help with any of the above, or you have any other ideas for fundraising, please give one of us a shout.