114 Feeling positive

Well, after my slightly miserable New Year post, I am pleased to report I’m over that little hurdle now and feeling much more positive.  I went back to work on Monday and had a good week. I was tired by the end of it, but not as overwhelmed with fatigue as I was back in November and December.  It actually felt good to be back with my fabulous work mates and to get back into a routine.  Thank you everyone who helped to make it a good week.

I am booked to go to Russia on Monday 16th March, which is just 9 weeks away!  I have completed my hospital registration forms and am awaiting my official invitation, which is needed in order to obtain a Russian visa.  I also hope to book my flights in the next few days.   At long last, it’s really happening!

There is a lot to do over the next 9 weeks …

  • We will be having a last push on the fundraising and have a few plans coming together (more info below).
  • I need a dental check up (it is best not to have dental work for 12 months after HSCT).
  • I need to plan on what to take with me and pack everything for a month into one suitcase.  
  • I need to think about how to prepare the house for my return with a low immune system.
  • I need to mentally prepare myself for the treatment and for a month away from home, from family and friends and from my beloved cats! 

I’m the kind of person who likes to make lists, so hopefully this will help me to get organised.  

It’s the first Vintage Village fair of the decade tomorrow and Sheila has decided to give it a go!  If you’re in the area, please pop in and say hello and grab yourself a vintage bargain. 

We are in the beginning stages of organising an afternoon tea party shortly before I go (hopefully Sunday 8th March).  This will be a fundraiser and also a chance for me to see everyone before I go.  We will let you know more once our plans are finalised. 

There is going to be a fundraising event at Swan Brewery in Herefordshire on Friday 3rd April.  My brother and my sister in law are planning to shave their heads and beard (only one of them has a beard!) and to launch a new beer to mark the occasion!  I am so grateful to them for doing this and since I’ll have lost my hair by then too, we can all be bald together! 

The lovely ladies at Seed Beauty in Edgeley are doing a sponsored walk up Mount Snowden in North Wales.  This will be happening towards the end of March and I look forward to following their story from Moscow.

As you can probably tell from the numerous requests for bottle gift bags, we also have a bottle lucky dip coming soon.

1 year ago we had just crossed the £10K line and here we are now a little over £20K.  This is such an amazing achievement and just shows what people can do when they work together.  It so good to see kindness and generosity shining through, even though we are living in such uncertain times.  I am so grateful to every one of you who has donated, responded to requests for items, come along to an event, taken on a challenge, shared or liked one of our posts, read this blog or sent a message of support …thank you all 😘

You can find out more about Stockport Vintage Village by clicking here

You can find out more about Swan brewery by clicking here

You can find out more about Seed Beauty by clicking here
