59 Christmas recovery

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are recovering from the festivities. I know I have a few readers with MS, so I’d like to give you a special mention – I hope you had a restful, stress free Christmas.

I spent Christmas at my brother’s house, where we managed a bit of a family get together …14 of us all together on Christmas Day was just lovely ❤️

It was my birthday on Christmas Eve and I started the day with my niece and nephew, Anna and Zeb for company.

Later, we all met at the brewery, where we had picnic lunch and a good chat about beer!

After a couple of mulled wines in the village social club, we made our way to the annual Christingle service in the village church, before going home and welcoming late arrivals, Connor, Niamh, Sophie, Callum and Odin. 

Christmas Day was full of joy, presents, noise, laughter, food and drink.  The weather was mild and we managed a muddy walk, with Zeb as our guide.  Sophie has been learning the proper way to use trecking poles, so after a quick lesson, I was off! I even had to remove the ferrule protectors and use full “spike mode”!

After this much exertion, a visit to the village pub was needed, then home for more food, more drink and a few rounds of our new favourite game “Werewolf”. 

Thank you Jimmy, Gill, Anna and Zeb for looking after us so well and an extra thank you to Zeb for giving up his bed for me! Thank you also to Glenda, Axel, Fiona, Kyra and Max (honorary family member!) for helping to make this such a lovely Christmas.

My family are all wonderfully supportive of my fundraising efforts and I received various donations from them …they really are an ingenious bunch! (See latest donations and update on my Go Fund Me page for details). 

My amazing children have both cut back on Christmas purchases this year and instead made generous donations to the fund …thank you both for your kindness and for everything you are doing to support me 😘

The next fundraiser is the Run Through Victoria Park half marathon on 5th January …Go George Go!

A date for your diaries …

Our evening event will take place on Saturday 23rd February.  We are planning to make this an evening of music, food, drink and fun! A silent auction and raffle are planned and we will also raise funds by making a small ticket charge for entry. 

More info will follow nearer the time, but in the meantime, if you are able to help in any way, please get in touch.  We would also welcome anything you can donate to raffle or auction …unwanted Christmas gifts, bottles, services, vouchers etc.

Fundraising page … GoFundMe

You can find out more about my brother’s brewery here … Swan Brewery 

Werewolf … PlayWerewolf

Details of the half marathon can be found here … Run Through UK 

53 Thank you ❤️

I just wanted to write a quick update to say thank you for all the supportive messages I’ve received over the last couple of days.  I really do have some wonderful people in my life xx

I must admit, I really didn’t feel like going anywhere Friday night, but once I had got myself ready and out, I was so glad I did.  I work with a lovely team of 13 who are kind and supportive colleagues, but also great friends.   We are very busy at work and in and out of the office at different times, so it can sometimes feel a little chaotic.  It really was lovely to be able to sit and chat and enjoy the start of the festivities together.

I have included this photo as I think it is the first I have taken with my clumpy boots and walking stick.  I would have avoided taking this a few months ago, but writing this blog has helped to see that it is much better to be open about things, rather than hide away.

A highlight of Friday evening is that, after over 30 days as a tee-totaller, Julie got to have her first alcoholic drink!  She also got to try a porn star martini for the first time …I think she rather enjoyed it! 

Thank you for doing this for my funds Julie xx

After my stressful day and night out on Friday, I was totally out of spoons on Saturday.  I spent the day on the sofa, resting and recovering and felt much better today.  

I managed to get out of the house with Niamh, Sophie and assorted dogs this afternoon and to give my trecking poles another outing.  A bit of fresh air and exercise was just what I needed …thanks girls xx

I have also managed to do some research on the neurologist that I am seeing on Wednesday.  Although I have spoken to one person who had a bad experience, I also heard from others who spoke highly of him and his knowledge of HSCT.  So maybe the situation isn’t as bad as I thought after all.  I’ll write more about that next time. 


8 Walking sticks, trecking poles and hand rails

It took me perhaps a little longer than it ought to, to get myself a walking stick. 

My balance has gradually deteriorated over the last few months …at first I didn’t really notice, then I was in denial, then focussed my efforts on hiding it …this was all pretty exhausting.  Some days, just staying upright or walking in a straight line takes so much effort and concentration that I have little energy for anything else! 

So I bought myself a walking stick. 

It took a bit of getting used to at first, but using it has increased my confidence and taken a little bit of stress out of daily life.  Of course, until I have my walking stick lesson, who knows if I’m actually doing it right?!

Although I accept that my mountaineering days are over, I very occasionally like a slightly more challenging walk and for this, I have recently bought some trecking poles.  Yesterday I had the opportunity to road test them for the first time.  When I say “road” test, I actually mean “wobbly path, uneven ground, random slopes, tree roots and torrential rain” test …the trecking poles were great!  Usually I’d need help walking on this kind of terrain but yesterday I managed the whole walk on my own (well, almost!). Thank you Connor, Sophie and Odin 💚

So, what have I learnt from all this? …it is better to make adaptations that will help me get on with my life, rather than resisting these options and doing less.  

I saw my MS Nurse recently and she offered to refer me to a service who will come and assess my needs at home, with a view to providing handrails where needed.  A few months ago I would have totally rejected this idea but now realise this is a good thing.  I had a bit of a fall down my stairs a few days ago and still have the bruises …improved handrails definitely needed!