119 Wobbly legs

A few weeks ago, a small child asked me why I need to use a walking stick … “because I have wobbly legs” came my reply.  She was happy with my explanation and that was the end of the conversation. 

More recently, a friend asked me how my legs felt …not a rude or intrusive question, but a genuine attempt to understand how my MS feels and affects me.  I realised that I very rarely talk in detail about this, partly because it varies such a lot from day to day (or even hour to hour) and also because it’s so very hard do describe.

MS isn’t like anything else I have experienced and it can affect any part of the body, any movement or function and any sense or perception.  The brain and spinal cord do an amazing job of transmitting messages around our bodies, but when these messages become distorted or are blocked or diverted, the brain tries really hard to interpret them in some meaningful way.  This leads to some rather bizarre sensations.

In our everyday lives, there so much about our amazing bodies that we take for granted …walking, talking, moving around, completing any simple or complex task etc etc.  Most of this we just do, without much thought and without forward planning.  Even standing, walking and remaining upright are a result of complex messages between the inner ear and the brain, the eyes and the brain and between all the muscles in the body and the brain.  The brain is constantly monitoring these messages and making adjustments to how you stand and move, to ensure you remain upright and can make movements with control, accuracy and safety.  This is all happening at lighting speed, all the time, without you even knowing about it …amazing!

Unfortunately I now find that I do need to think about it, all the time.  Every time I stand up or sit down, when walking, standing and staying upright.  It’s exhausting.  A momentary lapse in concentration can lead to a fall and falling hurts …a lot! 

My stick gives me a little bit of support, so that I don’t have to concentrate quite so hard.  At home I cruise round the furniture and door frames like a toddler.  Everything I do takes twice the energy, twice the time and a bit of planning.  This all becomes even more challenging when I’m tired, stressed, cold or if I’m somewhere unfamiliar.   If I’m outside and it’s wet, windy or icy, if the ground is sloping or uneven, it all becomes even more difficult.  That doesn’t mean I can’t do it …it just means it’s harder and uses up more of my precious reserves.  I seem to spend a lot of time deciding on what or whom I should give my energies … everything comes at a price.  

As well as balance problems, I also have problems with pain and spasticity in my legs.  Most of the time, my feet and lower legs feel like dead, cold heavy weights.  Do you remember that feeling when you were a kid and you’d play out in the snow in your wellies for just a little bit too long?  Your feet would get colder and colder, then start to sting and hurt then start to feel a kind of numb and uncomfortable pain. This is how my feet feel all the time. I’m told that the usual sensory signals from my feet are jumbled and confused, so my brain is trying to interpret them as something it knows.  

I have other strange sensations in my legs too.  It seems we must have an awareness of clothing touching our bodies all the time, except sometimes I don’t!  Sometimes, it feels to me as if I must be wearing shorts due to the absence of this feeling, or as if my top has ridden up at the back.  Sometimes I feel that I have patches of intense hot or cold on various parts of my body (usually my legs), yet the skin doesn’t feel hot or cold to touch.  Sometimes I have a sensation that something tight is tied around my legs … I have itching, tickling, crawling sensations … my poor brain is obviously very confused by the signals it is receiving. This collection of symptoms is called Paresthesia. 

I also experience MS muscle stiffness in my legs and hips.  Sometimes this painful and uncomfortable and at other times is just a minor feeling of stiffness.  

So, with this combination of balance issues, paresthesia and spasticity, I very often have wobbly legs and perhaps my first explanation was a good summary after all!


34 Having a bad day

When I started this blog, I made a decision that I was always going to be open and honest about my battle with MS.  I find I have good days and bad days and sometimes feel deep despair, but mostly I feel positive and optimistic and look at ways to overcome challenges rather than letting them stop me doing what I want to do.

Today I am having a really bad day, both physically and emotionally.

Last night my lovely friend, Beth and I went to see the wonderful Billy Bragg at the Ritz in Manchester.  Billy was fantastic and inspiring, as always, but I discovered that managing my wobbly legs, in a crowded space, with a walking stick, in the dark is really tricky!  Luckily we managed to get a spot right next to the lighting/sound guy box and I was able to prop myself up for at least some of the evening. 

I had lots of realisations last night – I love live music and was previously a frequent gig goer, but I have been doing a lot less of it recently.  I much prefer to be in the standing area, as the atmosphere is better, but I can no longer tolerate standing up for so long.  By the end of the evening I had shooting pains in my legs, hips and lower back.  I found myself wishing for the last song to come and was upset with myself for feeling that …usually I don’t want the evening to end. 

Beth was dealing with her own challenges (fibromyalgia) so between us we felt ancient! 

Other minor problems I encountered were other people tripping over my walking stick (one person literally kicked it away, almost causing me to fall) and the Ritz being an old building, so the toilets were down some rickety stairs – not good when your legs aren’t doing as they’re told!  At one point, I went to the bar then realised I wouldn’t be able to carry two drinks and use my stick to get back to Beth.  Thankfully she had realised this too and had followed me to the bar.  Thanks Beth xx

The journey home was also challenging – going from the heat indoors to the cold outdoors compounded my pain and the bumpy bus ride didn’t help either! 

I sound like such a whinger, don’t I?!  Hopefully normal service will be resumed soon.

Today I hurt all over and I feel exhausted.  I could have been going for a walk in Macclesfield Forest with Niamh, Sophie and my favourite dog, Odin, but I’m just not up to it.  

I hate that this disease is robbing me of life’s simple pleasures – going to gigs, buying a round, going for a walk.  I hate having to think about what I’m doing on one day as it can impact on what I’m able to do the next (starting the day with a spoon deficit isn’t good!).  I don’t feel ready or willing to succumb to this way of life.

Anyway, I’m going to have a hot Epsom salts bath, then spend the day on the sofa, watching TV and cuddling with my cats …hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.